My account was recently banned from privacy (dot) com for some nebulous “violation of terms of service” after I changed my email over from gmail to protonmail.

I’ve used it for and sirius xm (this one because the way to cancel is nuts), as well as a few instagram based stores that sell things like tshirts and such that were just a little bit on the shady side for how it was thrown together. They quite literally advertise that this is the use case for their service, even on their twitter they’ll retweet out users.

I have no idea what I even did because they won’t give me details, but the only recent (within 6 months) thing is changing the email. So I’m guessing protonmail kicks up some fraud thing in their system.

I was just wondering if anyone had any services that mimic their virtual/masked card service. I did look into ironvest, but how little I’ve used privacy over the past 8 or so years isn’t really worth the $5 a month that it costs.

  •  Sendbeer   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    I find it very convenient. Can set spending limits and pause cards. So if you know a company is going to charge $5 a month, set it there and don’t sweat it. If the company decides to raise the rates to $20 a couple months later it will get declined and you can tell them to go pound sand.

    For something you are only going to run one time they make single use cards as well. It’s pretty nice service when they aren’t banning you for random reasons.