When was the last time you found piece that didn’t match your usual listening habits, but ended up liking it? How did you come accross it?

My taste has been mostly rock, metal and certain kinds of electroic music, but

Fallout introduced me to Billie Holiday

Youtube channel Inside the Score got me started on classical music, like actually listening and enjoying Beethoven, Sibelius and Dvorak and going even to a concert instead of just knowing the bits you can not avoid.

The jazz covers of Phoenix Wright music, especially The Dark Fragrance of Coffee, got me seeking for more of similar style.

  • The first thing that came to mind

    This was years ago. I didn’t like this band, but I knew of them.

    My ex girlfriend told me to listen to this track.

    I was kinda blazed, I put this on, put on my headphones, and holy FUCK

    I never expected it. It’s so amazing, so heavy, so light, so aggressive and peaceful, it still gives me chills as I’m writing this.

    If you want to be moved by music, be moved by the music, don’t be on your phone watching tiktok at the same time.

    BE IN IT.