Share your favorite live records with us!

Here are some questions for discussion:

What performances really stand out for you? What is unique about the way the band performs live? What draws you to the live performance? Do you prefer a live version of a song over the recording? Why?

  • That’s right! They perform all the songs off of Moving Pictures as well as a lot of other great songs. The set list from their website for the tour was as follows:


    Set One

    • “The Spirit of Radio”
    • “Time Stand Still”
    • “Presto”
    • “Stick It Out”
    • “Workin’ Them Angels”
    • “Leave That Thing Alone”
    • “Faithless”
    • “BU2B (Brought Up To Believe)”
    • “Freewill”
    • “Marathon”
    • “Subdivisions”

    Set two

    • “Tom Sawyer”
    • “Red Barchetta”
    • “YYZ”
    • “Limelight”
    • “The Camera Eye”
    • “Witch Hunt”
    • “Vital Signs”
    • “Caravan” (from Clockwork Angels)
    • “Moto Perpetuo/Love For Sale” (Drum Solo)
    • “O’Malley’s Break”/”Closer to the Heart” (with alternative outro)
    • “2112 – I: Overture and II: The Temples of Syrinx”
    • “Far Cry”


    • “La Villa Strangiato” (with polka intro)
    • “Working Man” (with reggae intro)
    • “Cygnus X-1: Book I” teaser (second leg only)