So the only game ive played that isnt chess or monopoly, is dnd and i like it the thing is my family members dont want to play becasue its too complex and im trash with storys and planning.

it would help if there is a solo game or and easyier version-like dnd or something of that nature. do you know of any also what makes them good or worth checking out? linking links would also help if that is possible.

  • I’m not sure what the appeal of solo play is, because roleplaying is all about building collaborative stories. If you’re doing it solo, you might as well just write a novel (also very cool). I guess you could use some kind of random tables or something to help you come up with material when you’re stuck with writer’s block, but that’s about all I can see it being useful for.

    Anyway, a fun, simple, and free (at least in the sense that you can acquire it without paying money, not in the FOSS-type sense that you are free to modify and distribute it legally yourself) little system is Risus.

    •  Foon   ( ) 
      82 years ago

      I don’t play solo RPGs myself either, but just like solo board games, there’s loads of people who enjoy them (such as OP). Just because they don’t appeal to you, that does not invalidate someone else’s game experience and enjoyment :)

      Anything you want to share about Risus and what makes it fun in your opinion?

      • Board games have a predefined goal. They aren’t designed around collaborative, open-ended storytelling like roleplaying games are.

        Risus is quick and simple and can be used for any kind of story and setting you want to build a silly little adventure in. Good for when you want to play something with folks and not have a lot of preparation or hassle.

    • That’s kind of like saying you don’t know the point of Solitaire, because the point of card games is playing against other people~

      Personally I really like solo/journaling TTRPGs because they’re more accessible to me. (Talking is more tiring than writing, and people always want to play for hours whereas I can stop at any time if playing solo.)

      And it’s different than simply writing a story, because you react to dice rolls and prompts like you would when playing collaboratively.