You get settled in, enjoy whats shaping up to be a great series, look forward to seeing what happens with the characters once they’re introduced … aaand the writing trips over it’s own feet and faceplants into the ground like so many defeated enemies.
What’s the worst one out there, and what happened to it?

  • Yeah that was a show that didnt really have an end game properly planned out and thanks to the production woes it had that caused it to get delayed and cut short, the ending really does hit the fan.

    It’s such a shame too because the animation was solid and the concept was fascinating. I feel like the biggest crime this series has is how they knew they were running out of time, money, episodes, and instead of wrapping things up they just kept adding more and more undercooked ideas. I think the series would be more fondly remembered if it just hastily fizzled out instead. It would still be disappointing but it really is one of those shows where the back half manages to retroactively make the front half worse.

    • The final TV episode still ends on a strong note. YMMV on whether or not it’s worth sitting through the whole show for the payoff.

      Just don’t bother with the special episode. The first half is just a recap, and the second half just throws out even more loose ends without resolving anything, and then writes “The End” at the bottom. Incredibly dissatisfying.