Happy Monday, tabletoppers!

What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don’t forget to discuss others’ games too, of course!

Bonus question of the week: What game do you introduce/recommend to almost everyone?

  • one of the players is DMing a few sessions of something from the Wild Beyond the Witchlight book.

    I loved playing through Wild Beyond the Witchlight! It’s such a clear departure from most of the modules that Wizards puts out.

    •  Foon   ( @Foon@beehaw.org ) OP
      22 years ago

      Yeah it’s been really fun so far! I mean we’re only 2 sessions in so I don’t know much about where it’s gonna go yet, but so far it’s a really different experience. I’m excited to play on, just gotta wait for people to get back from their holidays…