Happy Monday, tabletoppers!

What games did you get up to in the last ~7 days? Feel free to share any stories, anecdotes, thoughts, and opinions about your game sessions. And don’t forget to discuss others’ games too, of course!

Bonus question of the week: What game do you introduce/recommend to almost everyone?

  • My group almost finished Act 1 of Stars of Akarios it’s a GloomHaven-esque game set in space. You play a group of fighter pilots and engage with other craft. There is a very neat exploration mechanic too which I really enjoy. There are some teething issues but that will hopefully be corrected in the next release.

      • Mostly in combat mechanics and story progression. You declare attacks and draw modifiers from a deck to see how you fair. Individual pilots and ships have different abilities that can synergize well. You don’t need to loose abilities to refresh but you can to mitigate damage. The missions that are selected based upon the choices of the group. Unlike Gloohaven you don’t destroy cards or stickers so it’s easy to replay. There is also an exploration game baked in which is a welcome break from combat. The worst thing is the lack of enemy variation. The writing isn’t the best either. I picked it up waiting for FrostHaven and I’m not disappointed but GloomHaven is definitely the better game.