Hey all!

Figured we’d try something like this. Let me know what you all think, and if you have any feedback on what you would like a weekly thread like this to look like. Thanks

What are you all playing? Anything you got from the steam sale you’re enjoying?

  • Stray!

    And I did get it from the Steam sale.

    It had been on my radar for quite some time. Partly because it’s gotten such great review and partly because it’s from Annapurna, they seem to release pretty sweet games.

    And it’s great! Highly recommended. :)

      • Finished it now and yeah I see what you mean!

        It wasn’t bad but it lost something for a bit there. Don’t want to go into spoilers but yeah, it was definitivt better earlier on.

        Overall great game though! Very happy I finally pulled the trigger and played it.