Crossposting this incase of takedown. Hope this isn’t breaking the rules.

Edit: I cannot confirm if the Original OP is telling the truth or lying, figured I wanted more people to see this so you can decide for yourselves who to believe.

cross-posted from:

Edit 2: Archived Link:

Don’t belive me? Ask them.

Fosstodon admins were at least transparent and shared with their community when they were approached by meta for an off the record meeting, which was awesome. They also declined that meeting and shared screenshots of them doing so.

But admins won’t tell you that at least one of them accepted that same meeting request. Why won’t they say that?

Tell your community that you accepted a meeting with meta. Thats not wrong in and of itself, but I feel it is shady/not right when you’re communicating about a wait-and-see approach, while having meetings with the company in question yet not being transparent about it. care to comment?

Also, I’m spinning up my own instance because I don’t trust this platform to folks who aren’t transparent. Don’t ask me to join, it’s going to be just for me for now. I don’t even know that I have time to admin an instance, but my trust is wearing thin based on the facts at hand. So, it’s what I’m doing.

    • The fediverse is particularly bad in this respect. In my time here (since Nov 2022) I’ve come to treat any unsubstantiated negative ad hominem opinion as essentially “fake news” … and honestly, everyone should. Twice I’ve paid attention to “an issue” as it was gaining traction and both times I’ve seen, in real time, the “chinese whispers” effect result in the “story” mutate right in people’s “mouths” as they post about it. Honestly, it’s worth chasing down such a thing at least once just to see it in action … it’s quite revelatory.

      It’s “sea lioning” to ask for receipts … but if you’re polite and well-meaning about it I think it’s totally justifiable about these sorts of things, not least because you’ll be surprised how many people just don’t have any (sometimes even when they loudly claim they do)! But also, because the rumour mill effect is real, sea lioning, at some point becomes a valuable antidote.

      There are probably a few factors that make this bad here (not that it’s good on any social media platform):

      1. Fediverse is kinda anti-viral … no algorithms etc
      2. But … bad news and scandalous rumours are the original viral algorithm baked into human psychology, so they have a way of rising to the surface in the absence of the generic rage/engagement about anything/everything that big-social feeds provide
      3. There are real and valuable concerns on the fediverse about ensuring the “culture” here doesn’t get bad and that certain values or morals are upheld. While good, such is an excuse for some to get zealous and excited to an excessive extent in the pursuit of and engagement with scandalous rumours.

      Combine that with how easy and satisfying it is to simply post a false/unsubstantiated statement without any consequences, and you get a rumour mill.

      Getting back to point 3 above … a valuable an important perspective on that is that actually achieving those goals is not a simple or trivial task. Instead, it is likely a boring, collaborative and deliberative task. So, the moment there’s any amount of excitement and engagement around a “bad person or act” on here … the moment you feel the need to click, read and respond … you’re probably just being driven by engagement habits and reflexes and not at all contributing to the goals and values that the “bad actor” has allegedly compromised.