Crossposting this incase of takedown. Hope this isn’t breaking the rules.

Edit: I cannot confirm if the Original OP is telling the truth or lying, figured I wanted more people to see this so you can decide for yourselves who to believe.

cross-posted from:

Edit 2: Archived Link:

Don’t belive me? Ask them.

Fosstodon admins were at least transparent and shared with their community when they were approached by meta for an off the record meeting, which was awesome. They also declined that meeting and shared screenshots of them doing so.

But admins won’t tell you that at least one of them accepted that same meeting request. Why won’t they say that?

Tell your community that you accepted a meeting with meta. Thats not wrong in and of itself, but I feel it is shady/not right when you’re communicating about a wait-and-see approach, while having meetings with the company in question yet not being transparent about it. care to comment?

Also, I’m spinning up my own instance because I don’t trust this platform to folks who aren’t transparent. Don’t ask me to join, it’s going to be just for me for now. I don’t even know that I have time to admin an instance, but my trust is wearing thin based on the facts at hand. So, it’s what I’m doing.

  •  Rhoeri   ( ) 
    181 year ago

    What a ridiculous attempt at stirring a pot. Not only is it someone saying something that cannot be proven, but someone quoting someone saying something that cannot be proven….

    What if I were to spread it around that this is all a ploy from Reddit to fuck with the lemmy community and cause drama?


    • OP is asking for confirmation in an announcement - Copy pasting from my comment here

      All that matters about the OPs claim is that the admins need to say they aren’t contracted with meta, but they haven’t, which is damning evidence that they have signed at least one contract with Meta.

      It’s simple logic.

      1. Lies or truths about an NDA silenced meeting with Mastodon admins.
      2. Extrapolating that idea that an NDA may exist or have been signed onto all instance admins
      3. Asking for a statement from the admins proving that there are no NDAs in place with Meta by the admins

      Then reliable absolute silence about being contracted or not with Meta.

      •  Rhoeri   ( ) 
        41 year ago

        So if they don’t say they didn’t when asked if they did, then ipso facto, they did?

        I don’t think you or anyone gets to make that distinction. And the fact that you think you can, illustrates how this is an attempt at creating drama.

        How about this:

        Maybe it’s a dumb fucking question that they don’t feel obligated to answer? I mean, I would imagine that it’s damn near insulting to them to feel they have any reason to answer such a stupid and irrelevant question as it’s not up to you how they manage their instance.

        So yea. It’s purposefully stirring a pot. So stop.

        • The OP seemed desperate for confirmation before he felt compelled to leave. He was talking rationally in his post.

          If you have an entire secret meeting that’s NDA enforced, then you literally cannot speak about the existence or your participation in it legally.

          As a server admin, he should really be on top of stuff like this. It’d be a fairly quick thing to mention, and the fact that he didn’t means he likely signed an NDA. He doesn’t NEED to prove it, but everyone should turn their backs on him for not CHOOSING to prove it(because he likely cannot legally).

          Many people came here to escape exactly what is now happening. There will obviously be passionate people venting or trying to understand this. The people that are on your side though, tend to fight dirty and say invalid things. Meta is evil, i don’t want to be near it, a contract with meta starts the death of a thousand cuts, and people wont remember what we are saying when they finally leave.

          Meta is stirring the pot, the admins are. If i just knew they stood against what the average FOSS server stands for in their FAQ or something I would have never gone there, and neither would the people complaining. I can’t stress just how bad this is, but most people don’t know the deeper political/corporate side of this.

          I’m not starting convos about this anymore, just replying to other comments and the likes. I’d rather we get some basic transparency from the admins nearby, but I already left over it because of it.

          •  Rhoeri   ( ) 
            41 year ago

            It’s absolutely stirring a pot and I’m near caring it’s in bad faith. But I’m not creating posts Al over and cross posting nonsense because of it.

            It’s none of anyone’s fucking business what they do with their instance. None. Period. Done.

            Dude said he denied a meeting. I believe him. If someone else didn’t- I don’t fucking care. And I think the fact that this matters so much to you should be a clear indication that you need a hobby. It’s a social media site. Nothing more.

            Stop taking this shit so seriously.

            • You are the one acting in bad faith and i suspect you don’t actually know what that means. I’m not denying that I’m also stirring the pot.

              You are correct that its up to their admins, I would just prefer a bit of a mission statement making it more obvious they have corporate ambitions.

              Dude said he denied a meeting. I believe him. If someone else didn’t- I don’t fucking care. And I think the fact that this matters so much to you should be a clear indication that you need a hobby. It’s a social media site. Nothing more.

              When did he deny? I haven’t been checking other posts lately. Link please

              I’m done with replying in this post, If you don’t give a link then you are the one acting in bad faith.

  • The answer to this scenario built into the fediverse. You bail on the bad instance and move to a new one. If the problem of profile transfers can be solved, then the whole thing becomes fairly trivial.

  • Without proof it’s nothing more than speculation.

    This isn’t going to be a productive conversation without proof. There is also the point-of-fact that if there was a NDA involved with said person. They wouldn’t be allowed to speak on it with anyone not listed. So we wouldn’t honestly be allowed to know legally without getting that admin in trouble.

    Sure, they can approach any admin regarding federation. they still need approval of the Instance owner and the rest of the admin team as far as I’m aware.

    I am curious though. Why not just join an instance that has already outright stated they will not federate with Threads?

    • So we wouldn’t honestly be allowed to know legally without getting that admin in trouble.

      i have no idea whether any of the speculations are true or not, but purely theoretically, this is really lame excuse. if you are representing open source community, you shouldn’t be taking meetings where you have to sign nda.

      • Oh 100% agreed. It makes the NDA’s that have already occurred with all this even more sketchy.

        My personal guess is that these NDA’s are because of one of two reasons.

        Threads/Facebook talks about their specific proprietary software and how it functions etc.

        Threads/Facebook is offering money for access/federation to instances.

        It is entirely possible it’s also both at once thinking about it.

        I dislike Facebook with a passion along with Google. However as much as I dislike Facebook, proper discussion and information is essential. Without these things people tend to panic and assume worst case scenarios.

        People seem to have forgotten one of Zuckerbergs quotes.

        “ Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don’t know why. Zuck: They “trust me” Zuck: Dumb fucks”

        This was during the time he first released Facebook. It’s part of a chat transcript that was released and verified.

        Also during 2008 the FTC quoted Zuckerbergs own word at him during a trial.

        “It’s better to buy than to compete”

        This was from an email Zuckerberg sent earlier that year during the WhatsApp acquisition or near it.

        These two quote should tell everyone exactly what to expect from this company and person. Considering how their track record is atrocious.

        • It gives them a secret way to start deeper negotiations. Pretty much this is the end of any openness and community focus the instance has. The contents don’t matter as much as the symbolism of having participated. I’ll ask you Alethecrow, how many millions would it take you to agree to working for them and pretending to be working only for yourself?

      • All that matters about the OPs claim is that the admins need to say they aren’t contracted with meta, but they haven’t, which is damning evidence that they have signed at least one contract with Meta.

        It’s simple logic.

        1. Lies or truths about an NDA silenced meeting with Mastodon admins.
        2. Extrapolating that idea that an NDA may exist or have been signed onto all instance admins
        3. Asking for a statement from the admins proving that there are no NDAs in place with Meta by the admins

        Then reliable absolute silence about being contracted or not with Meta. Followed of course by mass downvotes when it makes no sense to do so.

        See all the bots saying the same silly responses over and over about no evidence, then massively downvoting people who are clearly rational.

    • The fediverse is particularly bad in this respect. In my time here (since Nov 2022) I’ve come to treat any unsubstantiated negative ad hominem opinion as essentially “fake news” … and honestly, everyone should. Twice I’ve paid attention to “an issue” as it was gaining traction and both times I’ve seen, in real time, the “chinese whispers” effect result in the “story” mutate right in people’s “mouths” as they post about it. Honestly, it’s worth chasing down such a thing at least once just to see it in action … it’s quite revelatory.

      It’s “sea lioning” to ask for receipts … but if you’re polite and well-meaning about it I think it’s totally justifiable about these sorts of things, not least because you’ll be surprised how many people just don’t have any (sometimes even when they loudly claim they do)! But also, because the rumour mill effect is real, sea lioning, at some point becomes a valuable antidote.

      There are probably a few factors that make this bad here (not that it’s good on any social media platform):

      1. Fediverse is kinda anti-viral … no algorithms etc
      2. But … bad news and scandalous rumours are the original viral algorithm baked into human psychology, so they have a way of rising to the surface in the absence of the generic rage/engagement about anything/everything that big-social feeds provide
      3. There are real and valuable concerns on the fediverse about ensuring the “culture” here doesn’t get bad and that certain values or morals are upheld. While good, such is an excuse for some to get zealous and excited to an excessive extent in the pursuit of and engagement with scandalous rumours.

      Combine that with how easy and satisfying it is to simply post a false/unsubstantiated statement without any consequences, and you get a rumour mill.

      Getting back to point 3 above … a valuable an important perspective on that is that actually achieving those goals is not a simple or trivial task. Instead, it is likely a boring, collaborative and deliberative task. So, the moment there’s any amount of excitement and engagement around a “bad person or act” on here … the moment you feel the need to click, read and respond … you’re probably just being driven by engagement habits and reflexes and not at all contributing to the goals and values that the “bad actor” has allegedly compromised.

  • I share the apparent majority view that these basically are claims without any kind of evidence and there’s no basis for an outrage (yet).

    However, I do find this dynamic interesting to discuss the same topic on different instances. That’s unique to the Fediverse.

  • For what I understand Meta only reached Mastodon/Misskey/Pleroma and PixelFed instance admins. There hasn’t been mention of they even reaching Friendica/socialhome/hubzilla admins. So I doubt they even care contacting admins from “non-competing” software based servers

    Also, I don’t think the NDA stops admins from disclosing they were contacted by Meta. It only stops them to talk about what’s been discussed on these reunions, because several tech bros at mastodon where prouly announcing they were “invited by Meta to a talk about the future of the Fediverse” and how they accepted. So the admins of Lemmy World deciding not to confirm or deny doesn’t necessarily prove they signed anything.

  • After extensive review of the conversation, I believe that it has run its course, and has degraded beyond any fruitful discussion. We need a cooldown.

    I will say this on the matter: making an accusation against someone for not saying something is not, in fact, proof of complicity. You cannot prove a negative that way, and Russell’s Teapot would suggest the burden of proof is on you, the one making the accusation. Otherwise, this is just Glenn Beck-style “Why do you think they’re saying anything? I’m just asking questions” discourse, which is disingenuous.

    Thread Locked.

    • Typically yes, but in this case, there is no modlog for the reason of removal since the logs got purged by the admins. They forgot to delete the other log which says the user was banned and reason being “Misinformation”

      There a modlog button at the bottom of the page, you can see for yourself, but they might’ve be deleted by now.

      Edit: Apparantly, the user was only banned from the community, his account is still not banned.

      •  tenth   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        Wow they banned the OP of that post 3 years from that community for misinformation. Do they have proof that it is misinformation?


        @booty_flexx from the community Fediverse reason: Misinformation expires: in 3 years

        I could not find that post being removed from modlog. There were other removed posts but not that particular one

        Whats the point of modlog if it does not record everything for auditing purpose?