Hey all!

Figured we’d try something like this. Let me know what you all think, and if you have any feedback on what you would like a weekly thread like this to look like. Thanks

What are you all playing? Anything you got from the steam sale you’re enjoying?

  • X4 Foundations. The Kingdom End expansion is awesome and I absolutely adore everything Boron. Just yesterday I finally broke the mexican standoff my fleet (and that of the Argon) had with the Xenon. For multiple real life hours, we had our fleets parked menacingly at the respective ends of the jump gates that connect two sectors. I charged through the gate with my entire fleet after the Xenon sent through a large portion of their fighters (which got obliterated by my ships) so only their capital ships were remaining. Had to hit the bed during a short break in the battle, though, so the outcome is still to be determined.

    In other news, I’m also playing a lot of The Isle again and having a lotta fun with the new dinos and mechanics that have recently been added/tweaked. I’m positively surprised how chill many deino (crocodiles basically) players are about sharing the rivers with beipis (think penguins but in tropic climate)