It feels like every time I find a podcast about security/networking/technology the hosts end up saying some pretty off-color stuff, or I look them up and they also host right wing podcasts. Are there any that are more leftist, hosted by LGBT peeps, or at least not actively bigoted ?

    • It’s tiring hearing people discuss how myself and people like me shouldn’t have rights, so I try to avoid it.

      The fact that it’s much easier to avoid bigotry by sticking to queer-created content says more about cishet people than it does about LGBTQ+ folks.

      • Twenty years ago, before I questioned anything about myself, I fell in a pattern of looking for queer friendly spaces when looking for nice clans inside games I played. It’s a shorthand for receptive spaces that I use even today.

      • Yes, but listening to tech podcasts should include talks about tech only. I won’t listen to it if it turns into non-tech related political talk even for oneliners here and there.

        The old joke was “I hate when I go to Vuvuzela concert, but people starts to play soccer”. It applies into tech as well, at least for me personally.

        I don’t oppose/resist peoples freedom for their self-expression on any level, but I want to enjoy tech purely free from politics simply because living avoiding politics is hard enough already. I still support Pride-people to express themselves as they want.

        •  doogiebug   ( ) 
          1 year ago

          I’m specifically interested in the overlooked history and perspectives of women, LGBT folks, POC and disabled people in tech though. Ofc not all tech podcasts should be political, I’m just interested in those things and am having trouble finding related media. I’ve stumbled on more right-leaning stuff while browsing Spotify though. I just don’t wanna get jump scared by homophobia.

        • I’ve never heard a single person make this complaint and not also be okay with people talking a little bit about their own lives, or bring their background into what they’re talking about. People are people, and most people like to talk about their lives, or bring their own personal experiences into things.

          Perhaps you’re different, but I would be surprised to find a tech podcast which includes a completely life/human-sanitized space which includes absolutely no conversation about the hosts and talking only about tech. Can you suggest one to me?

          As an aside… pride-people? Is this a dutch thing?

      • From OP: Are there any that are more leftist, hosted by LGBT peeps, or at least not actively bigoted ?

        How is this different from: are there any podcast hosted by right wing and or racists whyte cucks, at least not openly pro gay?

        People need to understand thay this attitude goes both ways and fuels these degenerate culture war dick measuring contests.

            • Within two sentences, you’ve managed to say a lot of questionable stuff, which is impressive.

              First of all: Being anti-LGBTQ is definitively bigotry. If you don’t wanna be called a bigot, reconsider your stance - even this backwards ass world has left you behind on that matter,for the most part.

              Now, about “left” and “right”, I’m not sure what your point is. It’s precisely about how you approach classes. Even moderate, capitalist leftists, aka socdems generally support social security programs, higher taxation on the rich, tax reliefs for the working class, public education, healthcare etc- and there are plenty of countries where all that is a thing. Now, I can only assume you’re from the US, where “left” and “right” has lost all meaning, and Bernie Sanders - a moderate social democrat -is viewed as the second coming of Stalin.

                • Half-baked? This is an extremely dumbed down version. Do you have anything to say besides generalized, witty, one liners? Do you even have any idea what I’m saying? Like, bro.

                  Ruling class won’t let us have affordable housing, healthcare and education… And we work for all of it lol

                  This is you. Who’s the ruling class again?

                  • I am all about naming them but you know the list of Oligarchs who own significant portions of US and/or global economy in key sectors as such energy, retail, tech, pharma etc Gates, Elon, google clown, Kucks etc They collude with political leadership at state and federal level to obtain preferential treatment, bailouts/handouts and suppress the working people’s interests esp in housing, healthcare and education.

                    As I said above, this is not left/right issue since when “left” has power nothing has been done since FDR was president imho Their politics are just less divisive, ie the good cop. While “right” is the bad cop. Peasants fight squabbling whose daddy is better while they beat their moms.

                    However, people on the left keep hoping if we get “our guys” in we will get results… where are the results? Biden and Obama both had Congress and nothing got done. Life for working people has deteriorated to the point where majority live in neo feudal poverty. Political process is captured and as a working person, voting with your feet/wallet yields better result than participating in the political process.

            • People disagreeing with someone else’s politics doesn’t make them a bigot.

              there are a very large number of ways disagreeing with someone’s politics would obviously make someone a bigot, such as “disagreeing that queer people should have the right to marry”. this is not a serious argument.

    • Believing that certain folks don’t deserve basic rights because of their identity, sexual orientation, skin color, etc. is not an opinion that’s acceptable. No one with a brain wants to hear any of that non-sense thankfully!