This post was originally going to be titled “How does music discovery on Apple Music compare to Spotify these days?” but I want to make it more broad.

All advice and ideas appreciated!

  •  mtizim   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    Mostly YouTube Music - the recommendation features are much better than spotify’s (and it has much better UX). Also regular YouTube suggestions, but I only get jazz and kexp recordings from there.

    I used to have a shared playlist with a friend where we’d casually add any cool tracks we’d discover, which was a weird small motivator to discover new music on my own (so that I could show off). Sadly, that person is not a friend anymore, so the playlist is dead.

    • That’s wild to me that you like YT music’s ux more. What recommendation things do you like about YT music?

      I find Yt music to be really frustrating. I liked Google play music, but the awkward integration with YouTube is weird. Why are my liked YouTube videos, by default, mixed up with my liked songs? Who would want that ever?