• I don’t see how/why Sony should be taken down a notch just because Microsoft can’t get their shit together, nor how that translates into making Microsoft’s attempt at vertical integration a good thing. This isn’t David vs Goliath it’s Goliath vs Goliath and Microsoft has many past examples of extremely anti-competitive behavior (as does Sony).

      • Microsoft are getting their shit together by buying Activision.

        It’s not Goliath vs Goliath in the gaming world. Just because Microsoft are bigger company wise doesn’t mean they’re on the same level in gaming, because they’re clearly not.

        • And if/when Microsoft pulls the same with CoD, is that going to make things better for gamers? That’s what happens when these giant corporations vacuum up all the smaller companies in the industry whether it be video games, movies/tv, music, retail, internet service, etc. Sony doing bad stuff doesn’t mean we should give Microsoft more power to do the same.