Since Bart is now available in Europe I have both options now and problem of choice :) People who have access to both for a while, what AI tool do you mostly use?

  •  ollien   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Ditto. I mostly use it when Google (search, not Bard) fails me. I find it’s really good at answering questions of the ilk: “I swear there’s a function for this in the library I’m using, what’s it called again?”, or telling me that it doesn’t actually exist.

    • Agreed. I find Bing chat is really good when I know almost nothing about what I’m searching, or when I know a whole lot about what I’m searching. Like in your example, if I know exactly what I need but can’t remember its name Bing will read all the spammy beginners’ guides for me and get the answer. And on the opposite end, if I’m looking to buy a gift in a hobby I don’t remotely understand Bing does a pretty good job of holding my hand through the search process.

      Weirdly, medium knowledge questions seem to still do better as a basic Google search. If I need to fix an appliance I’ve fixed before, but it’s been a long time so I really need a full walkthrough, the first few results on Google are faster than waiting for Bing to talk through it.

      •  ollien   ( ) 
        22 years ago

        I don’t have the time to find this right now but there was an example at launch where it very badly summarized pet vacuums or some such, giving blatantly incorrect information about them.