Big win for the Unions, and for our collective rights to organise here.

    • Your initial comment referenced what the unions said, so it follows that @amanneedsamaid may reasonably assume that’s what you were asking about (initially anyway). Not the ruling by the judge itself.

      Either way it didn’t need to become an argument. Can we try and be better than Reddit?

      •  BarqsHasBite   ( ) 
        1 year ago

        My comment is what the judge said as the reason.

        But the unions, which represent around three million workers, argued that the government had breached their rights by failing to consult them on the changes.

        On Thursday, Judge Thomas Linden upheld their challenge in a written ruling, quashing the regulations.

        He said Mr Kwarteng had made his decision to change the rules based on “precious little information”, relying instead on a 2015 consultation which predated Covid and the cost-of-living crisis.

        That was the reason behind the ruling. Not what the Union guy talks seemingly afterwards outside the court.