Proponents boast that 802.11bb is 100 times faster than Wi-Fi and more secure.

  • One time, we had remotes for televisions. We hated having to point them to get line of sight.

    Did you know that some of the older Gameboys had this? I think it was the Gameboy color. Instead of a link cable, you’d just point two Gameboys at each other, and… Well, they had to be on a level surface like a table. And also you basically couldn’t ever move them or touch them, which was strange for a handheld. …annnnd it basically didn’t work. Ever. So Wi-Fi was pretty good!

    But no, let’s go and use line of sight tech, that seems like a great idea!

    I kid, I kid. I’m sure it works fine enough within its limitations for a certain purpose, I just can’t help but joke about making these connections.

      • It’s THAT why I never got it to work? I always figured it was because it was a steaming pile of garbage and was actually just half baked tech on the same level as the NES and would just break and that was that. I still have my GBC somewhere and probably my Pokemon yellow cartridge in some box somewhere, hopefully without batteries still in it 😬 I should see if anybody else I know has one and try to get it to work with something very low data.

    • Before radio controllers got dirt-cheap, external camera flashes could be controlled by a very weak flash from your on-camera flash. (Strong enough to be recognized by the other flash, too weak to affect the photo.)

      I had a tricky shot once, and I had to reflect the weak flash to the external flash with a mirror. Ha ha.

      So yeah… line of sight data transmission sucks except between tall towers.