Reddit could be working on a Contributor program, letting top contributors earn real-world money from the gold and karma they receive.

  • “Site I only still care about to laugh at thinks I am going to give it my tax information.” I’ll have to think real hard about that one.

    Investors should themselves have a good think about how the CEO that self-reported making zero profit in over a decade as one of the most popular social media sites can afford to be handing out money now.

    • I don’t know, while I won’t be going back there, I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit. I can see it actually working out alright for Reddit and possibly a small number of already successful influencers and celebrities. I don’t see it making the experience any better for the average redditor, though

      • I can see it help make reddit more mainstream, by attracting influencers. Imagine IG Influencers or Youtubers encouraging people to engage with them personally on reddit.

        …please like this post and friend me, and ring that bell. Oh man, you’re right, they’re going to go the tickytocky YouTube route.