I was watching pro golf coverage on the news and it seems so odd that men and women compete separately - same goes with pro bowling. Just seems weird to me that a game of skill is gendered when you can’t even raise an argument that someone might have an advantage because of what’s between their legs.

  • Honesty when it comes to lingerie I think there’s just a very small market. I had a drunk conversation with my former roommate and her gay BFF many many years ago and I got this piece of gold from her BFF (paraphrasing) - “it’s not about the wrapping, it’s about the package” (not penis)

      • Maybe. Idk I’m a straight dude and my ideas of what makes a man sexy isn’t lingerie - although I think Magic Mike was pretty popular.

        But maybe I’m being close minded and you are on to an untapped market ( honestly, not trying to be an ass ).

        Victor’s Secret lol