we’re back after an absence. unfortunately my week has kicked off with a full day of completely dying from eating too much food, then my body rejecting food–this is not ideal, obviously. also my internal clock is messed up and i’m way behind on some stuff

  • I’m feelin’ like I’m getting back into the groove of things 🤠.

    My semester before last was dreadful for Reasons™, and my previous semester in college was really bumpy for its own: another thorough round of self-exploration on my own and with my psychologist, trying to secure accommodations in college from here on out, and a full load for me academically. I have no regrets with my self-exploration, and I know both that and pursuing accommodations are things I’ll appreciate in the long term. Prioritizing those things, however, rocked the boat that was my grades for the semester. Dropped out of one class and flunked another.

    But when I reviewed my transcripts and the degree requirements, it looks like I really didn’t need that class I dropped, nor the class branch it preceded. I skirted by with a passing grade in another class that also appears to cover my bases for the class I failed. That’s all to say that academically speaking, I’m pretty sure things will work out.

    I basically ended up being a gremlin for like a month after all of that to mentally reset. Took a vacation to LA and San Diego for a week after that. 'Still planning to take it easy this Summer relatively speaking, but I’m feeling mighty refreshed after taking that time.