Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • neil gaiman has been my writer crush since I read American Gods. I have his short story collections, I love him so much. As a young teen I wanted to be his goth gf haha

    edit: i have his graveyard book and comic as well. sorry, im just an ancient Tumblr Neil Gaiman fangirl

    • I’ve seen a couple of adaptations of his works, but never got into his writing outside of GO for some reason. Just couldn’t click.

      Farkin’ massive Pratchett fan though. I’m going into s2 with reservations, but willing to give it a shot, half of ep3 and the entire back end of Good Omens the series was created from whole cloth

      • I have loved Neil Gaimain since I was a preteen, but have missed Pratchett. I will acquire and borrow from Dad and Uncle the Pratchett books. I loved Neil since I was so young, being a millenial. But dad being Gen X loved Pratchett, so I should hit him up for those books, thank you kind friend <3