Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Came home from op shopping and I’m starving, so I had a sausage roll. Will have more later for dinner. They are delish tho I think I made the tomato sauce a little too piquant, 1/4 tsp cayenne in 1.5 litres of sauce is HOT 🔥

    Finds today include a beautiful sgraffito vase I’m going to use as vase to keep brushes in. A bunch of little spoons to mix ink with . A big murano style vase ( probably made in Thailand or Turkey ) a heap of LPs, including Hawaiian music of the 1950s , Yehudi Menuhin playing Delibes, and some silver earrings with cute lampworked owls. 👍 was a good day

    I took picture of the vase. It was dipped in a dark blue slip glaze, dried, the pattern etched to reveal the white porcelain underneath and then fired

  • got my tax return and some extra money, so mein liebe and I have rent, bills, cat food, and human food paid for. we have then treated ourselves to a pub meal, some beers and wine, and today a coffee and quiche.

    feeling good about it all, things will get better. it’s nice to have a little splurge to keep our morale up though heheh

    edit: i should have gotten another quiche, damn theyre so good

      • I hate it when companies take 10,000 years to upload the prefill data. Like, I get there are legit reasons why it takes a while, but also, hurry up haha I hope they do it soon for you!!

        We went to Victoria Hotel in Brunswick, got a jug of beer to share. I got the eggplant parma (which was fantastic), and mein liebe got the roast beef roll.

        Also you just reminded me of the footy, thank you haha!

        • First time it’s been this late for my workplace and they’re no longer doing payment summaries so I can’t just type it in like I did last time.

          Granted I’m not getting munch back, something is better than owing tax.

          Eggplant Parma, hope it was nice. I hate eggplant!

          Oh yeah. Don’t forget to watch the footy tonight!

          Important game on tonight!

  • Team, I need some advice. My boss dumped on me yesterday that she wants me to fire an employee who has been with the business for 5 years, however she wants me to tell this employee that I made the decision to fire them and to not mention under any circumstances that she has asked for it to be done. I’m really not ok with this as I see it as me being thrown under the bus and being made to look like the bad guy, i think it also shows a complete lack of integrity and also cowardice on the part of my boss.

    The employee in question has had some behavioural problems which have existed since he started years ago, but they only seem to an issue for my boss now. I personally don’t think that this employee has done anything severe enough to warrant termination and my boss absolutely doesn’t want to provide this employee opportunity to improve or correct the behaviour. I’m at a loss as to what to do, because I think if i am honest with this employee and tell them that it was owners decision to fire them, I will most likely be on the chopping block as well when my boss finds out. Everyone at my work is casually employed so I can be dismissed without notice. I’ve felt for some time that my boss is a covert narcissist or at the very least has a toxic personality and this pretty much sealed the deal for me. I feel like resigning over this but have no savings and will need to try and find another job. I just don’t know what to do.

        • Thank you. Yeah i saw straight through what my boss was doing when they told me. I think because I’m introverted and a respectful person people like my boss think i’m weak and will just do as told. i hate having to deal with people like this

      • Thanks, i’ve emailed very reasonable response being like ‘so fair work says’ and made it about protecting the business. Hopefully she sees reason. But i think i may have effectively checkmated her if she tries to give me grief.

        • Looking forward to hear what comes of it. I definitely think your approach of trying to protect the business first is smart. Fingers crossed she snaps out of it (I’d still start looking for jobs anyway if I were you…)

    • While it’s true that casual employees can be dismissed without notice, they can’t just be let go without following the correct procedures. I worked in retail for years and the way the company dealt with getting rid of people was to just decrease the amount of hours they got. If they wanted to actually sit someone down and say ‘you’re fired’, they needed to have followed all of the procedures, such as giving them written warning and putting them on improvement plans. Without that, the worker was fully within their rights to file for unfair dismissal. So before doing anything on behalf of your shitty boss, I would make sure that the procedure has been followed to a t. If any step is missing, or they’ve never given them a written warning (written, as well. Not verbal. There’s no paper trail for verbal), etc, then you wash your hands of that situation. Because if they choose to escalate it, it’s your ass that’s on the line, not your boss’s.

      Are you even in an official managerial position that allows you to dismiss people?

      • So to clarify, I am the Store Manager and I report in to the director of the business who is the one asking me to do this. I absolutely agree regarding following the correct process. As I mentioned, the employee hasn’t done anything to warrant instant dismissal but has probably behaved in the way that warrants a sit down and verbal warning. It’s also behaviour that the owner has allowed to continue for 5 years without giving warnings verbal or otherwise, so the employee would absolutely be within his rights to go to fair work. I imagine the owner is getting me to do it so it’s my ass that stomped and not hers.

        • Yeah, I would just go back to the director with all all the fair work stuff and say ‘sorry not sorry I don’t want to be sued and I don’t think you do either’

          Give them this link: https://www.fairwork.gov.au/tools-and-resources/fact-sheets/minimum-workplace-entitlements/ending-employment If it’s a small business, there’s a seperate checklist that they can follow, but it’s all still essentially the same.

          Let them know that, if they have a series concern or issue about the employee, you can sit down with them and give them a warning and do a performance review, but even then, they have to be given a certain amount of time to work on the issue. Your hands are tied and there’s nothing that you, personally, are legally able to do

          • Thank you. I’ve emailed my boss and presented my objection in a way that is about protecting the business and suggested going 100% by the book. Hopefully they see reason. If they don’t listen, i’m going down the i’ll be liable route.

    • Can you tell your boss you don’t want to do it? With whatever reason will resonate best with your boss. Your boss sounds like a rubbish boss. I once had to fire someone, and it was a hard thing to do, even though I knew it was best for the team. But I owned it and did it as respectfully as I could. No way should that be dumped on anyone else. Time to brush up the resume and keep an eye out if something better comes up. Stay in your job for the income until you are ready, but of course that depends on if your mental health can cope.

    • Holy shit. Don’t do it and get something in writing too if you can, like make your reply in writing rather than verbal but reference what you were asked to do. Sounds to me like the director isn’t just gutless but manipulative enough for you to be the target if the employee responds with aggression, legal action etc. I’d also bet that the director would stab you in the back and act all sympathetic to the employee.

      • Thank you. I sent an email to the director this afternoon outlying how the proposed course of action is a risk to the business and proposed performance managing the employee and making sure we have done everything right in the eyes of Fair Work. If they don’t listen I’ll then hit them with the fact I could be personally liable for not following due process and I’m not prepared to do that.

    • That is an untenable position to be placed in. I could not work for a manager who I can not even respect for owning their decisions. Yes they are fully prepared to throw you under a bus for their decisions, a gutless act. No you don’t have to put up with it. Look for another job, it may be a blessing in disguise and you may find a job with a boss you can actually respect.

  • I don’t know if I just have a friendly face or something but I got on the train (with seconds to pass) sit down in a 4x4 that was available but it had someone sitting on the other seat (I can’t sit in the 2x2 seats because they’re too tight). And my seat mate couldn’t stop talking to me.

    She was very lovely and spoke about her kids and such, but I just wanted to listen to my podcasts 😔. I’m too nice for my own good 😮‍💨

    • neil gaiman has been my writer crush since I read American Gods. I have his short story collections, I love him so much. As a young teen I wanted to be his goth gf haha

      edit: i have his graveyard book and comic as well. sorry, im just an ancient Tumblr Neil Gaiman fangirl

      • I’ve seen a couple of adaptations of his works, but never got into his writing outside of GO for some reason. Just couldn’t click.

        Farkin’ massive Pratchett fan though. I’m going into s2 with reservations, but willing to give it a shot, half of ep3 and the entire back end of Good Omens the series was created from whole cloth

        • I have loved Neil Gaimain since I was a preteen, but have missed Pratchett. I will acquire and borrow from Dad and Uncle the Pratchett books. I loved Neil since I was so young, being a millenial. But dad being Gen X loved Pratchett, so I should hit him up for those books, thank you kind friend <3

  • One day at a time. Peace of mind feels nice. A walk to the pride centre this morning should be good. I’m getting at least 6 or 7 ks walking every day sometimes quite unintentially so and I’m reaping the rewards. Losing belly fat and tightening the loose skin from loosing a ton of weight of last year. Finally cook my new stew today and do some aa. And of course play with the cats.

    I have a new sense of absolute freedom now I’m working on sobriety. I’m glad it’s uncool. I’ve never wanted to be cool or a part of mainstream society and never felt like I was a part of it anyway. Always been queer as fuck and always been alternative. A misfit and a punk but I’ve lost the anger of punk while retaining the passion to change the world from my own place in it. I also accept that certain things I cannot change but have the courage to change the things I can and act.

    My life is completely involved in positive queer spaces, from work to my aa home group to my volunteer work. I feel so much less alienated from them than I used to because I’m not in the queer party scene. It also wasn’t my scene. It’s restricive, mysoginistic and very much a monoculture. I had an amazing queer family once 20 odd years ago but it was smashed apart by the suicide of one of us and it’s when my substance abuse really took hold. I have brain damage from all the partying but getting my much needed oestrogen into my female brain is alleviating some a lot of it.

  • I made toast this morning. Why is that significant? Because I used the last slices of a loaf of bread I bought which never happens, actually finishing an entire loaf. I also only ever buy bread maybe once a year… not sure why, I like bread. I just don’t buy it. Maybe because I never finish it? Not sure.

    Anyway, I made toast this morning.

    Now I’m looking at Google Maps trying to decide if I feel like going on a road trip/overnighter somewhere. What to dooooo…

  • Oh boy. That nap was nice and good though I felt like I slept the day away :(

    Also my washing machine is working after some fiddling around.

    fingers crosses

    While it works I’m not going to mess around with it again.

  • Skipping bootcamp in favour of chilling in my warm bed a while longer before I have to get ready for online TAFE at 9.

    Part of me wants a cheeky weekend breakfast but I think I need to have my healthy weekday option instead.

    Too much comfort eating behaviour lately that needs to be unwound.