Twitter has begun sharing ad revenue with some content creators on its platform for the first time. Several far-right and conservative influencers announced they had received payments from Twitter, while some prominent right-wing accounts said they were not part of the program. The lack of transparency around which creators would receive payments and how much has drawn criticism, with some calling it an arbitrary attempt to placate certain creators that Elon Musk favors. Other content creators expressed skepticism around relying on Twitter for monetization given the platform’s instability in recent times, and said they would not compromise their values to make money from Twitter.

  •  fades   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    Yeah it absolutely was never a town square, just rich trash trying to claim ownership of the voice of the people.

    B-b-but all the companies are on there, where will I see updates?! Like that problem had no such solution before or after twit

    Give me a fuckin break

    • I suppose, arguably, company updates on a Twitter account are marginally preferable to a company doing all their updates on a Discord server. Both suck, though.

      I feel really old fashioned, actually, because I’m on a bunch of email mailing lists for companies whose updates I want to receive, but I just like the vibe of getting an email when there’s something I need to know (new releases, sales, whatever). It’s so low pressure compared to the immediacy of a tweet or Discord message, both of which can become lost if you haven’t read them within 5 minutes of them being posted.