cross-posting for more reach as ! is a very small community (which you should absolutely subscribe to if you enjoy houseplants!):

I’m a newbie when it comes to indoor plants and I’m seeking some good books I can read to help me pick out new plants and learn new care techniques from. There are so many books on this topic, so I’d love to hear what y’all suggest before I make any decisions.

Websites are cool, but I need fewer excuses to look at screens, not more. :)

  •  forestG   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    The organic grow book is probably the best book I 've come across. I tend to favor plants (and fungi) that I will somehow consume, so their health is my first concern. Both the information and the way it is presented in this book, especially if it is your first contact with it, is great. Here you can take a peak on the table of contents and intro of the book.

    It might not help you picking plants, but it will help you keeping them healthy and identifying issues. And much much more than that.