…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

    • @SaintPaul Well, IDK the specifics of following a user on Lemmy because I’m only a Mastodon user, but finding content on other platforms I can do. You just pick largish servers since those tend to be well-federated and type hashtags into their search bar. Like I went to Calckey’s flagship instance just now to search for nature pics, so I typed in #nature and it gave me a bunch of nature pics from a variety of platforms (though mostly from Mastodon and Pixelfed). From there if you see content you like you build up a follow list. Nothing too complicated. Other platforms like Mastodon and Calckey also give you the option to subscribe to hashtags if you prefer that.


      There’s a link if you want to take a gander for yourself.