…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

  • I’m interested in figuring this out myself. I’ve been using Masto since November, and keep hearing about the interoperability of the Fediverse, but have yet to be able to work out how it actually works in practice. Like, how are you commenting on this from Mastodon, because I just searched for Beehaw from there, and it just brought me to this page and wouldn’t show me anything first.

      • This is really cool, thank you! Is there a way to just see the top level post and not the replies/comments from Lemmy? I would love to feed in the posts, but the additional noise from the comments makes it a bit cluttered and with no context without clicking into an individual post.

        This might also be a symptom of two different types of social media (a Twitter-like and a Reddit-like) running into each other and Mastodon just treating all posts as equal.

    • @DJDarren Lemmy communities seem to be treated like users on the Mastodon side of things, so you can just input @ username @ domain (minus the spaces) into Mastodon’s search bar and follow them like normal. The posts then get boosted into my feed where I can reply to them like any other Mastodon post. There does seem to be a warm-up period if you happen to be the first person on your Mastodon instance to follow a community, but once that’s done I’ve found the interop to be reliable.