so far the weekend has been pretty good. currently: writing about labor stuff, also reading this book. it has been a pretty mild and wet spring so far which is rare for here, and i’m enjoying that while it lasts

  •  ollien   ( ) 
    911 months ago

    “Enshittification”, as Cory Doctorow calls it, is a real thing :)

    Here is how platforms die: First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.

    I call this enshittification, and it is a seemingly inevitable consequence arising from the combination of the ease of changing how a platform allocates value, combined with the nature of a “two-sided market,” where a platform sits between buyers and sellers, hold each hostage to the other, raking off an ever-larger share of the value that passes between them.