The most toxic communities I know of are the Genshin community, Payday 2, FFXIV and source games communities in general.

  • Man FFXIV is no ray of sunshine but I can’t imagine it’s anyway near as bad as literally any competitive game. I’ve never been called a slur in FFXIV before and it feels like it happens once a session for things like Dota, LoL, Overwatch, Siege, etc.

      • Second this, you’ll get a couple sweatlords every now and then especially if you’re running end game content but the first 100 or more hours of gameplay are absolutely pleasant. I only interacted with the reddit group outside of game but those guys were also nice.

    • I’ve played with some rude individuals on FFXIV, like those annoyed that new players haven’t memorised low-level dungeons and are unable to speedrun them. By and large I’d agree, though. I joined after playing SWTOR for years and could immediately tell the difference.