• Are you really trying to blame anything else other than Russia? If Putin didn’t invade Ukraine we wouldn’t have these issues and wouldn’t be in the current situation. Sigh…

    • I really doubt it’s as simple as that. That there is an “external enemy” that needs to be annihilated for the west to be happy and thrive. A film seen too many times. It’s our society that it’s collapsing under its own weight. Financial speculators are ready to grab an opportunity to increase profits and the poorest and most defenseless classes are going to pay a high toll for this. The Greek had a word for what we have done and it’s “hybris” i.e. failing to remember our limits (as human beings) and wanting too much (be if for pride or greed). Rather than blaming others we should blame ourselves. And accept to downscale our economy.

    • You are mistaken friend. It was actually western capitalists disguised as Russians who invaded Ukraine. Don’t you know that at least 1/3rd of the “troops” invading Ukraine is actually notorious war monger Joe Biden himself in disguise? Stay woke.