• Why is Russia allowed to hold the world hostage? Who right do they have to starve people in other countries?

    Every nation should kick Russians out, block their accounts, and sanction Russia.

    • They aren’t, but they just can do that. International politics is reallllly anarchistic because how the fuck do you arrest a country. Say if the U.S decided to just stop exporting anything at all- no more food and other stuff- all you could really do is just tell them pwese downt doo that, we need the foweign aiwd :3 This also assumes your the leader of a powerful country, which is a rather difficult position to get to.

      In essence, get fucked international politics go brrrrr

      • Except that isn’t remotely true. For example we can set up trade embargos and cut Russia off from all trade under US sphere of influence so they’ll only be able to trade with Brazil India Iran and China. We can also seize foreign owned assets owned by Russians in western nations. More aggressively we can send US/NATO war ships to Ukraine to provide an armed escort for Ukrainian ships carrying grain in order to ensure that shipments do not delay.

  • It’s a really good thing that I’m not President. I have NO patience for this shit. Stopping Ukraine’s food shipments is simply unacceptable. I would have sent the Navy into the Black Sea by now, and possibly started a war with Turkey if they tried to stop the ships.

    The world does not need people like me in charge.

    • Fuck man I wish our world leaders would actually take action on stuff like this. Direct war with Russia appears to be becoming more and more an inevitable conclusion. They are going to cross a line sooner or later that will necessitate it. The only question is how long will we allow them to fuck over Ukraine/Their neighbors/The world before we do so. I’m anti wars of imperialism but despite what edgy tankies might believe the only imperialism at play in Ukraine is Russian imperialism. And I am absolutely in favor of war to end genocide and Russia is committing genocide.

  • If we haven’t already, all foreign assets of Putin and all Russian leadership and oligarchs need to be seized immediately. Unless the pain is felt by those with power nothing will change.

    There are also a number of Western companies still operating in Russia. That needs to change.

    •  abraxas   ( @abraxas@lemmy.ml ) 
      11 year ago

      The answer to the paradox of tolerance is usually “the one fighting for homogeneity is in the right”.

      I mean, every action a police officer takes in any country parallels to some of the worst crimes imaginable. An armed person saying “You are not allowed to leave” is a felony in my country punishable by up to life imprisonment. While people argue about problems with police behavior or severity of criminal penalties, it is generally agreed upon that an arrest of a suspected violent offender is always worse than civilian kidnapping.

      And perhaps outside of the police, for every person I’ve met who is so anti-cop they consider arresting even a serial-killer unacceptable, I have found common ground of some severe behavior they feel is only rightly done by the party trying to find a peaceful coexistance.

  • I believe this is because the EU didn’t fulfill their part of the deal to allow for Russian fertilizer exports. And most of the Ukrainian grain was being exported to developed countries, which wasn’t the intent of the deal. This reporting doesn’t reflect all of the facts on why the deal failed. It’s not the Russians being evil.

    • Are you really trying to blame anything else other than Russia? If Putin didn’t invade Ukraine we wouldn’t have these issues and wouldn’t be in the current situation. Sigh…

      • I really doubt it’s as simple as that. That there is an “external enemy” that needs to be annihilated for the west to be happy and thrive. A film seen too many times. It’s our society that it’s collapsing under its own weight. Financial speculators are ready to grab an opportunity to increase profits and the poorest and most defenseless classes are going to pay a high toll for this. The Greek had a word for what we have done and it’s “hybris” i.e. failing to remember our limits (as human beings) and wanting too much (be if for pride or greed). Rather than blaming others we should blame ourselves. And accept to downscale our economy.

      • You are mistaken friend. It was actually western capitalists disguised as Russians who invaded Ukraine. Don’t you know that at least 1/3rd of the “troops” invading Ukraine is actually notorious war monger Joe Biden himself in disguise? Stay woke.

  • Fun fact: only 2.5% of the grain went to the poor countries in need. And none of the non-Russian parts of the deal were honored, so not really a surprise it was dropped after Erdogan won the election.

  • If the US would start dialogue with China it might actually stand a chance of taking on Russia and winning without destabilizing the region. Direct US intervention in the region would be akin to Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan: it would serve to destabilize the region.

    The US will never consider this because it prefers a weak Russia to a strong China.