• If we haven’t already, all foreign assets of Putin and all Russian leadership and oligarchs need to be seized immediately. Unless the pain is felt by those with power nothing will change.

    There are also a number of Western companies still operating in Russia. That needs to change.

    •  abraxas   ( @abraxas@lemmy.ml ) 
      11 year ago

      The answer to the paradox of tolerance is usually “the one fighting for homogeneity is in the right”.

      I mean, every action a police officer takes in any country parallels to some of the worst crimes imaginable. An armed person saying “You are not allowed to leave” is a felony in my country punishable by up to life imprisonment. While people argue about problems with police behavior or severity of criminal penalties, it is generally agreed upon that an arrest of a suspected violent offender is always worse than civilian kidnapping.

      And perhaps outside of the police, for every person I’ve met who is so anti-cop they consider arresting even a serial-killer unacceptable, I have found common ground of some severe behavior they feel is only rightly done by the party trying to find a peaceful coexistance.