• I think that the whole world doesn’t need to be divided up into little “with us or against us” wars like this; there’s nuance to be had, like in every other situation.

    Some mods are good and only want what’s best for their community, and some mods are bad and are power hungry control freaks.

    Mods are people, same as the rest of us. Often they’re valued members of the community before they’re given the position.

    Do I think that the job needs to exist? Absolutely. Good, bad, or otherwise, they do a lot of work to protect us from the tidal wave of crap that comes in, whether it’s bots, scammers, trolls, hate advocats, etc., and I’m thankful that it’s not me who needs to deal with all of that.

    TL;DR: Mods do important work, but they’re also people, and not everything has to be an “us VS. them” situation.