Hey fellow bees.

I like listening to podcasts as it helps me focus and is just a fun way to experience other peoples thoughts and opinions.

Recently I started listening to actual audio dramas, like the ones produced by QCode (Carrier, Blackout) or even the narrated Hobbit / LOTR books with sound effects.

Are there any other good audio dramas or producers that you can recommend? Any genre is OK, just the ones you like most!

  • Ensable readings of audiobooks are great when done well. My favorite is a recording of the His Dark Materials series narrated by the author and with different voice actors for all characters.

    For something a bit more classic (and free), I also really enjoyed the Librivox Dramatic reading of Dracula, though some readers come off better than others.

    In both cases, the books really lend themselves to the format: in His Dark Materials, there’s near constant dialogue since every character has a companion spirit to chat with, and Dracula is written as a series of letters and journals so each chapter follows a different character’s perspective and style.