Nestle? Spectrum? Some random company nobody knows about?

        • I do enjoy how you went straight to insults to deflect your lack of knowledge. Then followed by implying I’m missing the same knowledge.

          Just because we have yet to understand how plants experience life, does not mean that they do not. We know that plants respond to pain. We know plants respond to music.

          Wife and I have been following the vegan eating habits for about 2 years now. We just don’t feel the need to proselytize about it. Yes, proselytize is the correct word. You’re trying to “save the animals because they feel pain”, we’re just trying to get in better shape in our 40s. We are not the same.

          • When you make bad faith arguments you can’t expect well worded replies lol.

            Even if this argument made any kind of sense(which let’s be clear, it does not) then going vegan would still be the answer.
            A plant based diet uses way less plants than a meat filled one because you get to skip the inefficient middleman of animals.

            Ah yes, asking people to not needlessly abuse animals is the same as trying to force people to join your religion, totally!

            You’re right, we’re not the same, I’m standing up for beings who are getting abused and killed by the trillions because of profit and taste, you’re just not eating animals so you don’t die quicker.
            Not sure why you brought that up.

            •  Froyn   ( ) 
              1 year ago

              See how you skiffed right off of the “plants feel pain” and dug your heels into “I’m protecting the innocent animals”?

              Edit: You realize that anyone can see that you’re self-upvoting right?

              • Plant do not feel pain… they respond to stimuli.
                It’s like saying antivirus software feels pain when it reacts to a virus on your computer.

                And again, a plant based diet uses less plants, so even if plants did feel pain(they do not) veganism is the answer.

                Yes, why wouldn’t I upvote my own posts? Obviously I like what I myself post.

                • Just because you do not understand it does not mean it does not exist.
                  Pain is a human defined “experience” to specific stimuli.
                  You cannot state definitively that plants cannot experience something equivalent.

                  "Plants respond to herbivore attack through an intricate and dynamic defense system that includes structural barriers, toxic chemicals, and attraction of natural enemies of the target pests. " –

                  So I mean they’re just “defending” themselves for no reason, right?

                  • Even if this argument made any kind of sense then going vegan would still be the answer.
                    A plant based diet uses way less plants than a meat filled one because you get to skip the inefficient middleman of animals.