Is Telegram really that bad and should i look more into it or is sticking to signal really the best option?

  •  ookees   ( ) 
    31 year ago

    I guess it depends on what your using it for. I just use it to chat with friends and family. Nothing texted back and forth is of any secretive nature. IMO it’s the best multi platform messaging app that is easy to use for the non techies.

    While “group chats” are not end to end encrypted they are encrypted in transit, and according to Telegram “calling” and “one to one secret chats” are end to end encrypted. So if what your messaging is of unimportance then what does it matter. If you have a conversation in public you have no privacy anyway, and usually those conversations are unimportant, just like the minutia that goes on in my chats.

    If you require secrecy then there are other methods of communication options like signal that are available to you to use at those times. If you need to message a buddy something private from time to time then just have an agreement with those people to use signal for those types of messages.