Skincare is one of those things I always feel like I should be better at (and that I’m failing as a girl because of it somehow). I’m lucky as my skin is fine really (I drink a lot of water) so I’ve never really done anything. Selfcare is something I struggle with generally so never found it worth the effort.

I’m thinking as I enter my thirties though I should. Just had a sheetmask and enjoyed it but I have no idea where to start generally in terms of it.

What’s your skincare routine? Is it worth the effort/cost?

  •  apis   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Yep, actual Fairy liquid for dishes. If you’re old enough to remember it was advertised as being gentle enough to not wreck your hands, but she’s used harsher dish detergent on her skin & hair in her youth with no bother.