I enjoy a bit of anime, but I don’t follow all the news and shows - I just pick up stuff by recommendations or a bit of searching.

So, people who actually know what they’re talking about - are any of these actually good? Are any so bad they’re worth completely avoiding? Any of them have particularly off-putting / offensive “fan service”?

Akudama Drive,
Black Lagoon,
Akatsuki no Yona,
Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna,

  •  sculd   ( @sculd@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    If you like those, it is likely that you might also like:

    BLAME! - really wonderful world setting

    No.6 - story about a dystopian future. an underrated gem.

    Paprika - a classic. futuristic psychological horror. it is pretty scary in the way black mirror is scary.