It is one of my biggest pet peeves surrounding how people often misunderstand performance for someone with ADHD like myself. Of course everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but those with ADHD often struggle with making little mistakes, and often have to try even harder to avoid those types of mistakes. I care deeply about my work, and I struggled in my younger years with feelings of inadequacy, and when people chalked my mistakes or under-performing to some sort of moral failing, it really hurt. These days, through better understanding of ADHD, and how my brain works and what its quirks are, I don’t feel inadequate, but I still get angry when I encounter it. Don’t you dare tell me I don’t care about my work because I made a mistake.

For the curious, I did this in my code: {{ conditional }} instead of {% conditional %} in a Twig template by accident.

  • No one writes 100% error free code, no matter how hard they try. That’s why there’s QA. If an organization does not have QA, they should be aware they’re tightrope walking with no net. I’m in a place that both produces books and software. With books, there is always copy editors passing over the authors’ work.