Maybe I’m missing something but there doesn’t seem to be support for saving a draft of a comment. Also, if a comment fails to post, everything is lost. Is there anything that can be done about this?

I guess the same could be said for new posts as well.

    •  ericjmorey   ( ) OP
      11 months ago

      Thanks for the pointer! I’ll check out the GitHub issues for the Lemmy project first.

      In the mean time, I’ve been getting a lot of 500 responses while using Beehaw. Is this to be expected or is this some growing pains due to Reddit killing 3rd party apps?

      • In the mean time, I’ve been getting a lot of 500 responses while using Beehaw. Is this to be expected or is this some growing pains due to Reddit killing 3rd party apps?

        just growing pains from reddit traffic. it was worse yesterday but we’ve upscaled so they’re less frequent now and we just cycled the website now so hopefully that’ll get rid of the current set of errors happening