Every other post is about that site.

It’s like getting a new girlfriend but constantly talking about your ex.

  • That’s fair enough. I didn’t read it as “initiating a discussion”, more “get off my lawn”. That may, however, be me - I’m coming off my meds and it’s making me grumpy.

    • No, it was absolutely “get off my lawn.” They didn’t say let’s talk about it. They just said it needed to stop. They didn’t introduce it as an opinion. They wrote it as something that needs to happen. If they wanted to start a discussion, they’re terrible at communication and they’re going to make people feel unwelcome with their approach to communication.

      • It’s easy. Introduce opinions as opinions. Not the way you did it. You didn’t say “I feel…” or “let’s discuss XYZ”. You said “can this stop? It is like yada yada yada.” Not, “in my opinion.”. You stated it as fact. It’s easy to know how something will be perceived if you think about it from any other perspective than your own and just know the definition of words and how to communicate. And your first and immediate defense wasn’t “let’s discuss” it was about your right to complain. That’s quite possibly the weakest defense of any possible stance that anyone is capable of making. Your go-to defense was that it simply wasn’t illegal to say it. That’s absolutely weak.