Maybe I’m missing something but there doesn’t seem to be support for saving a draft of a comment. Also, if a comment fails to post, everything is lost. Is there anything that can be done about this?

I guess the same could be said for new posts as well.

  •  ericjmorey   ( ) OP
    311 months ago

    I haven’t experienced the must log in issue.

    This is very much like 1990s internet. The many things that have been smoothed over by commercial interests over the years to reduce friction and annoyances are not easy to address upfront by volunteers.

    •  Mango   ( ) 
      311 months ago

      I’m getting a variety of errors, some of them just look like code gibberish to me.

      I’m sure it will all get smoother over time though, massive user influx is an understandable cause of issues.

      Wonder what will happen in a month! :0