• Ohhh gosh. What a tough question. They’re all masterpieces in their own way.

        I think the classic is Jordan Peterson. A deft takedown and a fascinating and quick exploration of 19th and 20th century philosophy.

        I’m personally a huge fan of the Aesthetic. I used to be a Justine stan but I’ve come round more to Tabby’s way of thinking.

        For her longer pieces, Envy is where it’s at. Though… the Witch Trials of J. K. Rowling are also amazing if you’re involved in Harry Potter or J. Ro thoughts.

        The toughest to watch outside of her early stuff is probably Tiffany Tumbles. Still really good but it’s difficult to see the plight of a right-wing woman and how respectability politics can turn us into monsters.

        Share your thoughts here when you’re done! I’m excited to hear what you think!