In an open letter published on Tuesday, more than 1,370 signatories—including business founders, CEOs and academics from various institutions including the University of Oxford—said they wanted to “counter ‘A.I. doom.’”

“A.I. is not an existential threat to humanity; it will be a transformative force for good if we get critical decisions about its development and use right,” they insisted.

  • But like, is 50 years a long time to you

    I’ll be dead.

    but what chance is there it’s even quicker? 0.01%? To me that’s a scary high number! Would you be happy having someone roll a dice with a 1 in 10000 chance of killing everyone? How low is enough?

    The odds are higher that Russia nukes your living area.

      • The likelihood of an orca coming out of your asshole is just as likely as a meteor coming from space and blowing up your home.

        Both could happen, but are you going to shape your life around whether or not they occur?

        Your concern of AI should absolutely be pitted towards the governments and people using it. AI, especially in its current form, will not be doing a human culling.

        Humans do that well enough already.