Not sure why the image is displaying sideways in preview? This is my first post so still figuring it all out. *I’ve tried adding it to the body of this post to see if that works better. Just testing things. Please ignore **okay so for anyone else encountering that issue, it reads photos taken as vertical photos as horizontal unless that photo is resaved as a whole new image.

I’ve been trying to maximise what I grow in my garden so I’ve inoculated ny berry patch beds with winecap mushrooms. They seem to like similar acidity levels and do well together so I put a mix of straw and wood chip mulch down with some spawn the start of last spring. My berries did great, the soil has never looked better, and I got a tasty bonus crop.

I’ve got a big pile of logs to inoculate with a couple other varties this winter and more garden beds to build in the veggie patch. I love looking at what everyone else is growing in their gardens so I’m looking forward to seeing this wee community grow 🌱

    • That mycelium might have been spent? I know you can propagate mycelium from those grow bags with some agar and a medium like sterile wheat, sawdust, or wood chips. Or maybe the variety just wasn’t suited to open outdoor growing? These ones are pretty hardy and tolerate sun and some dryer soils.

      Yeah i can’t believe more gardeners don’t have mushrooms. It think it’s the stigma of “outside mushroom bad” and that fear of poisoning yourself but cultivating them is perfectly safe.

      • I do in some areas. None of my soil is left naked and depending on what I’m growing it gets leaf mulch, woodchips, straw, or pineneedles. I don’t want to lose any moisture and I want to create an environment that attracts microorganisms. The woodchips in the bed are mixed in with natural leaf litter and some straw.