Help to improve the OpenStreetMap with StreetComplete!

This app finds incomplete and extendable data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as markers. Each of those is solvable by answering a simple question to complete the info on site.

The info you enter is then directly added to the OpenStreetMap in your name, without the need to use another editor.

    • It’s exactly as it says. SCEE comes without handholding which means should know what you do.

      It’s better to follow a guide on mapping and osm in general and after that you can use it without holding back.

    •  eeleech   ( ) 
      511 months ago

      I use both versions actively, the main differences of SCEE compared to StreetComplete are the addtion of more obscure questions (for example building and roof colors, species/genus of trees), allowing direct editing of tags and disabling the gamification/statistics.