Just joined, and well, I’m thinking ill stay. Ive been looking for a good reddit alternative for a while now. devs, you’ve done quite some good work here.

  •  bigbox   ( @bigbox@lemmy.ml ) 
    11 year ago

    But what if the mods on a community go rogue? If the politics community in one instance goes to shit because of a corrupt mod, you can join one from another instance rather than have no option.

    •  gnoop   ( @gnoop@lemmy.ml ) 
      11 year ago

      You’d end up with having to go to a different community regardless. It would just mean using a new community name rather than the server+community federated name.

      Currently if something like /c/technology goes rogue, you’d end up either joining c/technology@beehaw.org or someone creates /c/tech… or both. In tighter federation, /c/technology is toast so you move to /c/tech or something like that instead but there’s no option for a /c/technology@some-other-server. In some ways more limiting but it ends up easier for the end user.