•  jarfil   ( @jarfil@beehaw.org ) 
              1 year ago

              It does on Twitter. I mean, on X.

              The problem is likely that his view of the Internet is highly warped. Between managing so many companies, meeting IRL people, and traveling around, he may have barely any time to learn about what’s out there outside of the most popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and whatever someone spins to him during that one party or two.

              So he looked into the one thing he knew about that was irking him, saw it had a silly low price, and jumped on the chance of taking control… without realizing it was like jumping onto a water balloon in a swimming pool: even if you manage to catch it, even if you pop it, there is still a pool of water surrounding you.

      • This gives him way too much credit lol. He isn’t playing 5D chess, he impulse-bought a $44B company and is too much of a narcissistic control freak to stop touching it. Harming marginalized people is a natural consequence of essentially any action a billionaire takes by virtue of their existence.

      • Yep. And he saw “blue checks” as some kind of Liberal Elite^TM that was manipulating the media and public consciousness. He set out specifically to try to destroy that, but in the process is attempting to create his own version of that imagined cabal.

        He’s also petulant child with a meme-poisoned brain that’s stuck somewhere in the body of an edgy 14 year old in 2002.