Are there any animal products which are not the result of exploitation or cruelty (hypothetically)? For instance, wool comes to my mind as a product that could be obtained in a completely animal friendly manner. Just curious what you think.

  • It depends on who you ask. The most committed vegans say yes, the less committed shrug their shoulders and don’t worry too much about it.

    Can you guess which kind I am?

    Well you’re wrong. I’m not vegan. I had to quit due to health reasons.

    Anyway, it’s not like being vegan is a religion; avoid animal products as much as you want. Every little bit helps, but I wouldn’t beat yourself up over the small stuff.

    Personally, I walked around in leather boots the whole time I was eating vegan, because leather is an extremely durable material with no suitable non-animal replacement. I still have those boots. I would have gone through multiple pairs of shoes were it not for those boots. I am very thankful to the cow or bull that had to give up its life so I could have those boots.

    Judging by the rest of the comments, yeah, not gonna be a popular answer.