
I saw a post in here that had a bug and wouldn’t let me respond from my phone, but…

It was talking about paywalls for news sites. And this is literally the best one i know to get passed them. Just copy and paste.

    • It’s actually frightening how much is spent on right wing propaganda. I know there are whole businesses dedicated to posting on social media pretending to be genuine users. The last election in Illinois they mailed out fake newspapers with all kinds of nonsense in them. They even have country music tours that go to small towns with political messaging.

    • The us right is the local bourgeoisie and it’s propaganda is intended for everyone so everyone doesn’t climb over the fences and eat them alive. The us “left” is the national bourgeoisie and their propaganda is directed at their members and collaborators so as to maintain unity.

    • I don’t ingest a lot of right wing media, but it mighg make sense because people who ingest right wing media are usually living in an echo chamber and are gullible. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

    •  fades   ( @fades@beehaw.org ) 
      21 year ago

      I wonder if that has anything to do with the growth of the right.

      No doubt plays a role, but I’d say it has more to do with the media’s obsession with getting paid. They are a business first and foremost, journalistic integrity be damned. They pushed stories they knew would get clicks without any regard to the facts or properly framing the issue.

      Yeah pay walls don’t help but they didn’t cause the issues we’re seeing. Those that follow the actual fake news that conservatives push weren’t reading articles anyway, the paywall wasn’t what kept them from reading and researching properly.