• There’s a difference between using AI as a tool and using it as a solution. Though knowing how this society works, it’ll start off as a tool like now, and soon enough the higher ups will wonder why humans are even necessary in the process, especially when they need to be paid, and against everyone else’s objections they’ll get rid of the human verification part and use only AI, and when things go wrong the people in charge will go “who could have seen it coming?”

    • McDonalds and White Castle have already begun using ALPR to tailor drive-through experiences, detecting returning customers and using past orders to guide them through the ordering process

      Yeah you’re right, helping people order lunch is literally 1984.

      • Uh oh, the things you are buying look pretty suspicious, we are going to wiretap your house to make sure you are not doing any no-nos.

        I really dislike people using technology to analyze my habits, I prefer just stumbling onto things I like because they were around the places I usually look. Yes, I also don’t like algorithmic content, it just makes people try to appease the algorithm, meaning less effort into the thing they do